Monday, April 14, 2014

Libra Lunar Eclipse : Love and let Love

Full Moon Peace Prayers for all as the Libra 'blood' moon Eclipse exacts late tonight/early morning Tuesday.  Sitting directly between the setting sun and waxing moon at the edge of the ocean last night, the word that kept coming to my mind was Harmony.  In our pursuit to balance various aspects of our lives - namely our partnerships, life's work and health at the moment - we must understand the axis that connects Self to "the other" and all external is Love.  This our common ground and greatest mutual intention.  We have the opportunity here to offer up our fears & replace them with new patterns of being, vowing to sacrifice now what has already served the full duration of it's purpose in our quest to be authentic.  We have the embrace of asteroid goddesses Vesta and Ceres here to help us harness & connect to our deepest creative energy and Earth Mother nourishment - with the potential to realign our physical bodies perhaps - for the next chapter in our life-love evolution as the North Node of destiny and soul purpose lines up with this lunation.  Big SHIFTS, big SHIT.  The art of moving forward...  xo

PS.  Also - Are you starting to see yet how Mars Retro in Libra for an eternity (sigh)  is all about the subtle nuances and weighty value of biting your tongue with IMPECCABLE timing?   Lessons in patience and diplomacy dahlings.  Feel me?

Thursday, August 1, 2013

DEEP DARK 'N LOVELY: Venus Trine Pluto

deep dark + lovely:
intimacy as the bridge between

This is a depiction of HADES, or Pluto, kidnapping Persephone - beautiful vibrant earth goddess daughter of Demeter.  Their marriage crowned her with the title "Queen of the Underworld." This is the integration of darkness and TRUTH -or what lies beneath- with BEAUTY.  Here we acknowledge the darker aspect of the feminine divine.

Saucy VENUS is in harmonious aspect to even saucier PLUTO today from Virgo to Capricorn...  Here we have a kind of SEXY dance between the sweet love ambassador to the cosmos and the OG "Bad Boy" of the solar system ... whilst in two EARTH signs giving this a very PHYSICAL vibe.

SO guys I wish I could get the real talk from everyone I know as to how this is affecting YOU but I'm NOSEY and let's be 100% and ACKNOWLEDGE that since PLUTO lord of the underworld & ruler of SCORPIO is involved there might be some indeed TABOO and/or dark deep dense psychological and potentially tantalizing SHTUFF flying around.  If you know any SCORPIOS you will TOTES understand what kind of energy I am referencing - If not let me give you some factoids about SCORPIO/PLUTONIC vibes:  

(folks this is in NO WAY similar to PLATONIC-casual-friday vibes.. actually ironically opposite)

1.  The body parts associated with Scorpio (ruled by pluto and mars) are the GENITALS.  Yep.

2. When a new planet is discovered, its discovery is generally marked by the ushering in of a new era.  PLUTO was discovered in 1930, coinciding with the discovery and world introduction to the ATOMIC bomb.  

3.  SCORPIO is unique in that has three unique stages of symbolism: the scorpion, the eagle, and the PHOENIX.  This is indicative of it's association with (ego)DEATH & REBIRTH & TRANSFORMATION.  

With sweet APHRODITE (venus) in the mixture - This is GOODLY with a chance for AMAZING,.. this is not the explosive EARTHQUAKE quality of the VENUS-PLUTO opposition that occurred at the beginning of July which most likely caused a SERIOUS shake up in your finances or relationships 

... But do NOT DOUBT that this VENUS TRINE PLUTO is FULL and lush-rich with possibility.

So SHARE with me or DON'T (but for the love of god don't BROOD about it - get out a journal or something):

In what ways are you currently integrating your SHADOW side with your quest for love and all things VENUSIAN?  
How can you marry your deepest darkest fears with your desires and turn this into something 

Kali MA, Hindu crone-bitch goddess, a symbolic principle of balancing the creative feminine principle with that of necessary destruction.  A female representation of PLUTO

DON'T do LOWER VENUS-PLUTO ... get yourself into some bizarre sex-love triangle or deeply indulge in a psychologically addictive type scenario.  Pluto sometimes OVERLOVES an obsession. Can I also please throw out there that PASSIVE AGRESSIVE behavior is so not lovely, EXPRESS yourself even if it's not PRETTY

DO the HIGHER VENUS-PLUTO thing ... love unconditionally, look GORGEOUS and natural, LEARN from your darkness/fear/outdated psychological tendencies, embrace what is HIDDEN but healthy, throw out what is CRUMBLING, tap into your DESIRES and INNER POWER because this is your true ESSENCE.  

Venus is gorgeous-SEXY-lovely and PLUTO is TRUTHFUL ...


Keep it REAL and BEAUTIFUL with a dash of SAUCY

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


The feeling is the Prayer


Jupiter-Mars-Moon in CANCER
Saturn in SCORPIO
Neptune in PISCES


by doing a few of the following:

letting go

Jupiter-Neptune-Saturn join together, as well as MARS and the MOON this week calling us to tap into our innate connection with the world around us, seen and unseen - to breathe, to observe, to create from compassion and to feel SUPPORTED.  I think this will be INDEED welcome after the stationing of URANUS and the stir of last week - or perhaps the last two YEARS.  We SEE the change that needs to happen in our lives but we go INSIDE (URANUS retro) to systematically strategize (SATURN) and cultivate our ideal vision for and connection to the INFINITE possibilities of the future (JUPITER & NEPTUNE).  It is a time to welcome PEACE and HARMONY into your heart, to DAYDREAM and to see that the bridge between what it is you THINK & DESIRE can be easily built into the material world so long as it is aligned with your highest potential.  CANCER, as said in my previous post is a beautiful container for the energy of JUPITER which in this event encourages us to know where we come from, to feel the support of our roots and ancestry and to go WILDLY and JOYFULLY into next chapter of our lives knowing that true FAMILY is cultivated through compassion and the mutual NOURISHMENT of the world around us - our BROTHAS AND SISTAS.

THERE IS HOPE. Don't lose it.

To invite in this INSTINCTUAL knowing I urge you to (again!) research the work of MASARU EMOTO, the japanese man who discovered through a series of experiments that thought and feeling create observable effects on the molecular structure of WATER - the primary constituent of life as we know it.  

The extremely healing energy of this event and potent activation of NEPTUNE will be with us for the rest of 2013 and  into the NEW generation being cultivated, cooked and transformed by the ongoing eruptions of the URANUS-PLUTO square (POWER vs FREEDOM). We will see effects rippled far into the future both globally and personally. There are many BREAKTHROUGHS ahead. RELEASE AND INVITE.

Before lasting and authentic TRANSFORMATION can occur, we must ACCEPT and MARINATE in the deep inner awareness that promotes RELEASE of what no longer is serving us. CHANGE is not only POSSIBLE but ESSENTIAL for our personal GROWTH, the greater good of this planet, and those around us.

This ASTRO is so incredibly FERTILE-LUSH-BEAUTIFUL.  What will you CREATE from this solid configuration of emotional and spiritual possibility?!  It is no COINCIDENCE this energy is activated after the recent Mercury Retro - what lessons are with you from the past 3 weeks? I'm guessing the experiences in this time were RICH with emotional significance still being processed AS WE SPEAK.

BELIEVE - this is no time to linger in the fears of the past - we learn from it, we EAT it up and turn it into something GOOD

I leave you with a quote from a personal GURU, an ever-giving master of understanding, explorer of the SOUL and a little known ASTROLOGICAL enthusiast:

"Even if the world were to fall to pieces, the unity of the PSYCHE would never be shattered.  And the wider and more numerous the fissures on the surface, the more the unity is strengthened in the depths."

-Carl Jung, from "Transition in Civilization" 1964 

(This was written amidst the conjunction of Uranus and Pluto that defined the generations to come.)


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

URANUS stations in ARIES & stirs the POT



URANUS stations retrograde at 12 degrees Aries

NOTE:  The outer planets - Uranus, Neptune & Pluto -  are all long standing influences.  And by that, I mean - GET USED TO THE ASTROWEATHER.  It's GO big or GO home.  Uranus is in Aries for 7 years.  It's been there for awhile.  It's not leaving for even longer.  Things are bound to HEAT up a bit. 

Uranus this week appears to halt in the sky calling attention to the SUDDEN need to re-evaluate the order and direction in which particular aspects of our life and PLANET may be headed.  This is highly USEFUL however potentially UNCOMFORTABLE  -  This is about no longer tolerating pre-existing modes of ORDER.  And yes, this THIS IS A GLOBAL thang.  Change GONE come.

Many are maddened and unwilling to tolerate the verdict in the case of Trayvon Martin.  

Have you noticed an unusual amount of ACCIDENTS or strange FREAK events the past few days?  RIOTS, anyone?  Uranus brings things fast and while in ARIES, the Martial Ram, there is absolutely the potential for violence in its various forms.  While not erring on the side of PARANOIA, be aware of your surroundings...

SO -  What aspect of YOUR LIFE is no longer TOLERABLE?  Where is it time to burn it all down?

I make this sound all so hard-core but REALLY... it kind of is.

ALL THE WHILE... JUPITER - NEPTUNE - SATURN  (and Mars this week too!) are making beautiful music in the background with a rare alignment bringing together harmoniously the following themes:  


More on that NEXT week, I'm off for a few days - and to be honest I just want to see what HAPPENS.

Be KIND and GOOD xo

Monday, July 15, 2013

Venus in LEO: Everyone loves a PARTY

At the MOMENT....

Madonna does LEO right - all day everyday.

Astro conditions are so WATERY and emotional right now and with the moon moving into SCORPIO soon it would be easy to forget that pleasure-seeking VENUS is in FIERY heart centered LEO ... do something nice for yourself, be creative, FEEL GOOD, connect with your inner LION. All forms of EXPRESSION and BEAUTY encouraged.  Extravagance is always a potential with lusty LEO... keep it cool.   

What is your ART?  How can you make your world more aesthetically pleasing with a touch of OVER THE TOP?  This vibes well with all of the CANCERIAN emphasis on home. Make something LUSTROUS.

The CRABBY influence will most likely make anything too bold seem... uncomfortable (financially).  DO creative NOT excessive.  


Sunday, July 14, 2013

OVERFLOWING: Sun-Jupiter-Mercury-Mars in Cancer & why your life is changing for the better

...says every Cancer you know

Ahhh... SUMMER.  Indeed the amount of time I dropped off of the writing circuit is noteworthy.  Let's just say that things went a bit ape-shit after the last retrograde back in Pisces time.  It was, to say the least, a very hectic spring.  Life changing for the better, although I am still acclimating.  How did that eclipse season back in April-May rock your world? This already ACTION-PACKED time was extra intensified by the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square.  This is an astrological event ongoing over the next 2 years.  It is VISCERAL and DEFINES our entire generation.  For me it manifests as this sort of GRINDING that makes me feel like I'm in a pressure cooker- change or be changed.  I know you've felt it.  To pinpoint specific areas of your life this square may be affecting, feel free to give me an e-mail and I'll take a gander at your chart to give you a super quick idea of what you probably already know; some certain aspect of your life is undergoing the most intense remodel-take-down-restructure that you have ever seen.  This will change everything for YEARS to come.  But now on to CANCER the CRAB... who is providing us with so much opportunity right now.

When the SUN moves into CANCER it marks the beginning of the summer.  We currently have not only the Sun (soon to exit to LEO) here but Mercury, Mars and JUPITER- the planet of expansion.  To grasp and utilize the energy of this time and NURTURING astrological sign let's examine the visual of a crab:

CONTAINED.  Secure.  ALWAYS HOME  (in it's shell of course!).  Resourceful.  Moves with the TIDES.   Protective.

Cancer is ruled by the MOON and associated with the Mother.  YO MAMA, my mother, everybody's Mum- this provides a good model for understanding the deeply nurturing quality that this emotional WATER sign brings to our world, always, but especially NOW.   Mercury being in Cancer FOREVER- or at least the bulk of the summer- with his tricky bittersweet RETROGRADE has no doubt reconnected us with our past in numerous ways.  How were you NURTURED?  What is your relationship to your MOTHER and how has this effected your LIFE?   This has been a time to connect with where we COME FROM, our ancestry, our INSTINCTS and our FAMILY.  This is CANCER- the ROOTS of the zodiac. This energy has eluded me for years but I feel like I am starting to understand this deeply emotional zodiac character... just long enough to observe it and watch it disappear.  AH, the MOONCHILD.

MARS the god of action and initiation just moved into this sector the of sky, which may prove a bit frustrating as Mars says GO and Cancer says WAIT, WATCH, be careful... but this will help us potentially HOLD BACK a bit before we leap into the emotionally charged rest of the year.  Security in all forms will be evaluated and potentially tested.  MOODS may be a bit erratic... resist the urge to hole up and fume until your ears are red and then UNLEASH THE BEAST on those people who are close to you.  Just a wee reminder there.  Cultivate more LOVING of those people close to you.  Exercise patience.  DO use this time to get in touch with your ANIMAL instincts, your FAMILY (although I'm sure you've already been in touch, RIGHT?), your HOME - where do you want to live?  Where did you come from?  Was it nice there?  What did you receive from your ancestry that is VALUABLE? What needs to get cleansed and THROWN THE HELL OUT?!

NOTE:  FINANCIAL SECURITY is absolutely an issue right now as well.  But you PROBABLY already knew that.

Now on to JUPITER-  I've previously described this planet as everybody's BEST FRIEND, but he is especially happy right now.  CANCER provides a lovely and CONTAINED environment for Jupiter to do his work... which is to bring abundance, blessings and raw JOY.  He moved in on June 25th of this year for the first time in 12 years, since summer of 2001-2002.  I did a fun exercise and looked at that time of my life, back in 2001, and was struck by the HUGE events that occurred.  BIG stuff.  I fell in love twice that year.  AGIVEN- I was 16 but YES this proved to be significant in my life.  This year shaped the 12 years to follow.  As testament to the blessings available at this time I will just tell you that my oldest friend on earth (SO CANCER, right?) just married her partner of over a decade in the first days of July this year.  I had an epiphany the week before the wedding and asked her when they had gotten together - and sure enough, the last time JUPITER was in CANCER, these two connected.  And here they are 12 years later, officiating their wedding with THUNDER and RAIN pouring down like joyful tears of the GODS on their wedding day, both families connecting in harmony and HEAR ME:  I say that their union is BLESSED.  So I ask you.. HOW WILL YOU BE BLESSED THIS YEAR?    Anything is possible.  GO THERE.

Yes, you will notice more weddings than usual this year.  And babies.  LOTS of BABIES.

This is where I come from.  I see no resemblence.

Your HOMEWORK is - figure out where you came from and how this has shaped where you are and then maybe decide where you want to go.  NO BIG DEAL.  You will thank me later when your life takes off into a new direction of your choice and you are HAPPY.  Can it be that it's all so simple?

More to come on JUPITER joining forces with FATHER SATURN and GRANDDADDY NEPTUNE.  This is UBER MAGICAL.

I am fully committing to this ASTRO blog as a regular thing, as JUPITER is blessing my solar communication zone.  WASTE THAT? NO WAY.  Shoot, I might even start writing a book this year.  AFTER the retrograde is over OF COURSE.


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Part 1: Neptune, The Awe-inspiring Pisces Stellium, Tips & Tricks to survive this MURKY Mercury Retrograde

"What we do not make conscious emerges later as FATE."  - Carl Jung

YO.   How are YOU doing?  Is anyone else feeling slightly frazzled this week?  Or like they are SWIMMING in it.. whatever IT may be.

Let's hash this beast out. NEPTUNIAN energy is dominating the heavens and therefore running your life right now in SO many ways.  MAN is this a big massive magical mythical planet, named after the Roman god of the Sea.  It is THE watery planet in the solar system- representing all of those Jungian water archetypes-  the SUBconscious, dreams, the collective, the underworld, creativity, healing, FATE and DESTINY...
And there are currently SIX, yes, SIX celestial bodies located in the sign of Pisces, which is ruled by NEPTUNE.  And NEPTUNE is one of them.  We've got the SUN, Retro-active Mercury, Venus (as of today), Mars, Neptune, and Chiron (the asteroid teacher healer guru).  That's more than half of the planets in our solar system up in PISCES.  Noteworthy to say the least...


YES THESE ARE STRANGE TIMES WE LIVE IN.  YES you should go slower.  YES you should meditate.  I'm currently in the process of adjusting to this and by adjusting to this I mean, rolling with it. Personally I think SELF CARE is one of the best uses of this energy.  That and any kind of creative project.

So Here's the trick with NEPTUNE and all this PISCES up in your field:  As great as it is for dreaming/scheming, It's confusing as all HELL, too.  Everybody is moving at a different pace and often preoccupied with their own personal daydreams or MOODS.  So we have to be easy and careful not to take on other people's BAGGAGE.  Or to unload our emotional CARGO onto others.  Because let's face it... It never turns out well.  As represented by the ocean and the element of water.... Boundaries are at an all time low right now.  Peeps are somewhat all over the place emotionally, physically, mentally- So BE EASY with it.  Resist the urge to merge completely.  Harness and utilize this to come out REFRESHED and ready to go when the emphasis switches to FIERY BADASS Aries the Ram next month.  SELF KNOWLEDGE and CREATIVE IMAGINATION is where it is AT... no doubt.  What are you DREAMING about?

"Knowledge is limited; imagination encircles the WORLD."
Einstein.  Could he BE more PISCES? 

Basically you should start to think of this next 3 weeks as a DEEP water expedition into your SOUL.  This will help you understand the how-why of all the unforeseen and potentially strange events that may occur and ease the fact that this time may be laden with confusion, misunderstandings, misfirings, and possible delusion when it comes to the outside world due to Mercury the planet of communication being RETROGRADE (moving backwards) in the sky...  But don't let me sound too GLOOMY.    This is ALL AMAZING for art, romance, music...  Just be aware things may not be as they seem.  Give proper space and time to any important decisions-projects-relationships-remodels.

Check my silly little list of suggests to not just avoid disaster but to THRIVE in the coming weeks.


with the Mercury Retrograde in mind:

  • DO pay attention to your nightly dreams.
  • DO NOT wallow in any emotion or passing wave of nostalgia for TOO long.  Resist the urge to isolate
  • DO be creative-romantic-musical... but not DELUSIONAL
  • DO NOT indulge EXCESSIVELY in booze-addictions-television-chocolate-bacon.  Moderation.
  • DO seek knowledge of the infinitely vast and awe-inspiring universe.  Meditate.
  • DO NOT look up-call-message-harass your EX-something-sorta-not-really.   Thank me later.
  • DO keep track of your keys-car-computer-appointments-e-mails-phone-SANITY.  Triple Check.
  • DO NOT forget to forget something.  It is INEVITABLE.  
  • DO excercise, get massages, do yoga, drink HERBAL tea, sleep in.  Zen the F out.
  • VERY IMPORTANT- DO NOT (or use extreme caution and get a warranty when and if you) buy a major appliance, sign a written contract, or start a new ENTERPRISE.  Consider all options but commit to none.  TRUST

DEEP BREATHING NECESSARY.  See PART 2 of this post in a couple days time with a sequence of yoga postures designed to help you LET GO and LET GOD, herbal chill out suggestions, and some other stuff that's awesome.  Thanks for stopping by.  STAY LUCID. xo

PS.  Enjoy the Venus - Neptune conjunction tomorrow.  This is SWEET