HELLO!! My imminent return is upon us. Needless to say that keeping up with a blog is hard work! Props to those avid every day bloggers who no doubt lose innumerable amounts of shut-eye/sleep-in/eating time. So here we are, Sun in Aquarius, the time that produces some of the zaneyest whack jobs and creatively BRILLIANT innovators to grace this planet. Google it if you have your doubts, or look no further than the birthdate on Facebook of that friend who just dances to their own tune and doesn't give a WHAT. I mean who ELSE could make green overalls or tie dye look AMAZING. Let's be honest.
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This is URANUS the ruling planet of Aquarius. Uranus is associated with change, upheaval, reversals and NUTJOBS. Just kidding. Sort of. |
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Look at this dude. He's clearly on some OTHER ish. |
So, BAM! What's your deal this month? What work of Genius have you been cultivating? In what way have you been collaborating with others to make your BIGGEST dreams go down in the most beneficial way possible for all parties involved? WHAT ARE YOU CREATING AND HOW ARE YOU COMMUNICATING ABOUT IT WITH THE WORLD AROUND YOU? I threw in that communication bit because Mercury the messenger has been hanging out with the Sun for awhile in Aquarius as well. So this is all important stuff and honestly if you've got any ideas this is a great time to launch them, up until the last week on the month. AFTER THAT, on February 23rd, when that tricky little messenger Mercury goes backward in the sky- consider it a CHILL OUT period when it comes to major decisions. I will detail this more in a couple weeks when you are freaking out because your phone/computer/travel plans are experiencing technical difficulties. Or just having second thoughts about something you thought was game-on.
HOWEVER, from the 30th of January until February 18th we have a beautiful window of time in which all planets are moving forward (Saturn stalls on the 18th and Mercury on the 23rd). This is pretty nice and was brought about on the 30th when JUPITER, everybody's best friend... you know that friend at the party that brings you amazing gifts and keeps you smiling all night but is hard to kick out at the end of the night because they want to keep going.... moved forward in the sky.
I wouldn't be surprised if just after the Leo full moon last weekend, something in your life finally started POPPING OFF after a period of waiting. Hey, I didn't say it had to be good. But chances are it is. And if you haven't felt Jupiter yet (which I doubt) you've got awhile to receive the ABUNDANT blessings he will shower down on you. Just keep in mind sometimes, TOO MUCH of a good thing is, just that. Too much.
WELL in case you were wondering- my personal form of Aquarian INSANITY this month seems to be popping up as the WHACKY idea to do the Master Cleanse. Have you heard of it? It's that insane cleanse where you drink lemon-stuff for ten days. That's what I'm doing. The recipe is super easy:
-60 oz of filtered water
-12 Tablespoons of Grade B Maple Syrup
-12 Tablespoons of Lemon juice (fresh squeezed)
-1/2 Tsp. of Cayenne Pepper
-100% pure, raw, CRAY
Also there is a salt water flush included that is necessary for reasons that I'm too much of a lady to discuss... But you get it, right? This cleanse is all about eliminating toxic BUILD up. I eased into it with some delicious soups, salads and fresh juices like the one below.
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Kale, Celery, Cucumber and Lemon |
Now you know EVERYTHING. I'm getting hungry and that either means I'm going to go fetch my lemonade and plan out my meals for the next month after my cleanse is over, OR I'm going to hit the hay.
I think the list will go something like SUSHI, TACOS, SUSHI...
I think the list will go something like SUSHI, TACOS, SUSHI...
Goodnight, GOOD LIFE!! Blessings.
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